Your child is unique.
Their tutoring should be, too.

Using the science of learning to help students work smarter, not harder.

Are you tired of watching your child struggle to write when you just know it’s in there?
Writing remediation

Are you concerned your child will “never” be ready for middle school?
Executive functioning training

Are you stressed about how to explain ADHD to your newly diagnosed child?
ADHD Workshops

I offer targeted services for whatever brought you my way:

Writing Remediation

If your child can tell you what they want to say but it comes out scrambled, incomplete or not at all, executive skills could be the culprit. Beth’s taught hundreds of students with ADHD and executive skills challenges how to break down writing into manageable parts and efficiently slay each one. 

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Executive Functioning Training

Executive functions are the processes our brain employs to get stuff done. And these days students are expected to do a LOT- especially as they transition to middle school. Beth will work with your 5th or 6th grader to develop personalized strategies that build confidence and get things DONE

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ADHD Workshops

For Students and Their Adults

Once you’ve received the formal diagnosis, the next step for you and your child is understanding exactly what ADHD is- and isn’t. Through her signature programs, Beth offers personalized workshops for both you and your child to learn more about the fascinating world of the ADHD brain.

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I’m Beth. I have ADHD. I teach children with ADHD. And yet when I was first diagnosed, I was adrift. It was like I had purposefully planned a trip to a foreign country, and now that I was actually there, I didn’t know what to do. I tried Googling, but that’s like taking a drink of water from a fire hydrant— overwhelming and unreliable.

Parenting a child who learns differently can sometimes feel like that. When you’ve tried what you know and that’s not enough, what do you do? I’ve spent decades answering that question- for myself and for my students. And I know for sure that these moments of struggle are not the end of the journey, and it’s not one you have to take alone.

Whether you're parenting a young person with executive functioning challenges, trying in vain to help them write without a meltdown, or swirling post-ADHD diagnosis, I see you.

What parents (and kids!) are saying…

Let’s Get Started!